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Oriental personality types

Some features characteristic of this breed can be observed in oriental cats. For example, they love to sleep together, creating a characteristic "pile", their ears make a clicking sound when they shake their heads, they like warm places, they are very active and intelligent, they like to sleep under cover, many of them like traveling on their shoulder, playing fetching. Orientals are extremely devoted to their guardian, they follow people step by step, they look for closeness with them. They feel best in the company of other cats, and must also be provided with an appropriate dose of human attention. They are talkative, lively and curious.

Following many years of observation, however, I have noticed that the orient has different personality types. My friends and I gave these "types" names. "Types" are not mutually exclusive, some cats have features of several of them. The order in the list does not reflect their frequency of occurrence. Currently, my cats are of the following types: cuddly, retrieving stubborn, parasite, plaything, coward.



Unconscious, gapa; sweet but completely distracted. If he is a passionately retrieving cat, he can be easily deceived. He spends a lot of time staring aimlessly ahead. Cats with these characteristics are average mothers, they deliver their children, some to one place, the rest to a completely different place. Males often only notice food and girlfriends.



Very dominant cat, good but overprotective mother, she beats all cats regularly. It does not tolerate changes in the cat herd very well. When she attacks other cats, raises her ears and hits her with her whole body, she doesn't waste time in poses, she seems to enjoy the violence. She could be the star of a Quentin Tarantino movie. She only feels great when she can be queen of the herd.


A cuddly toy

She loves to cuddle up to her guardian. It sleeps covered or curled up on your nose to nose pillow. As soon as you sit down, it materializes on your lap. The cat is rattling very much.​


Kitten - MOTHER

She loves kittens, is a great mother, has liters of milk. Her children are always licked clean and happy. These cats have large litters, if they only have a chance, they also take care of the offspring of Dyzio Marzycie and Princess. Even as her children grow up, she continues to clean their ears and faces.



Usually a neutered tomcat. He takes care of growing kittens. He plays with them carefully, sleeps with them in a "pile", cleans their ears and faces, always comes running when he hears sounds of sadness and unhappiness.



He lives only to Apparate, nothing else matters to him. He is tireless. It is not fooled. If you stop tossing the toy, it will poke, nibble, whimper to remind you to play. One of my kittens remembered people falling asleep with their hands clasped. She found that if she pressed a favorite retriever into the hands of a sleeping man, the monkey reflex would cause him to grab the toy. It's really annoying to wake up with a pair of green eyes staring at you and be forced to throw the toy just pressed into your hands.



Usually a male, stupid, mentally lost, without grace, not very elegant. It crashes into walls while playing. It takes turns hard, glides on the floor. She loves mesmerizing on her stomach. He sleeps in completely inelegant positions, with his paws spread out, or at least one paw sticking up. His favorite toy is usually something large that he can drag behind him. Rolling over on a straight road, it falls to the floor with a loud splat. If you call him, he will fall on your lap in a crackling cake position.



Jealous, jealous, jealous. No one else will make such an effective attempt to occupy your knees and demand to be petted as much as he did.



Usually a male, adoring you, gazing lovingly into your eyes. He jumps on your lap, hugs tightly, hugs your neck, arms, thighs, every accessible part of the body with his front paws. She rubs her head against you. It can crawl under your shirt just to be closer to you. He is very smart and considerate; knows when you are too busy to give it a moment of attention and will wait patiently for what you are doing.



He will not leave you alone, he does not understand the words meaning "no", "get lost". He is usually incredibly cheerful, but can be teary. Whatever you do, it will always be with you. You can't calmly take off your shoes, cook or eat dinner, talk on the phone, write papers or look after someone else. It requires a lot of attention. For these kittens, I am always looking for large families with small children.



She knows perfectly well that she is beautiful. She is very stubborn. The world must revolve around her, she can get upset if not everything goes according to her plan. She is sweet as long as she remains the center of attention. Very elegant and very demanding. She gets along well with other cats that are friendly towards her. She is an explosive mixture with Franca. Usually she is not a great mother, she takes care of the children for the first few weeks, but she loses interest in them quite quickly. She will be a terrible show cat if she comes to the conclusion that she doesn't like it.



She loves everyone, loves partying, and assumes that the more people, the more hands to tinker. He feels great with dogs, other cats and children. If he is an retrieving cat, he will take the toy to someone else each time. Has little or no loyalty.



Thinks fast, creates a lot of confusion and trouble. He plays hard, fights fiercely, rattles loudly. If he is playing with feathers or a toy in the shape of a fishing rod, he will fly through the air, grab the toy, tear it out of your hands, and run around snarling. She loves to chase other cats. Barks at birds, catches them in flight and eats them. He slides up and down the stairs, rolling on them, biting, kicking. He slips his belly, but be careful as he can bite and scratch during his caresses.



It is at the very bottom of the cat's hierarchy. He runs away, he is afraid of everything and everyone. It moves quietly. It is a really annoying cat. You may get the impression that he was hurt as a child. It will back off when you want to pet it. If you sit still, it may climb onto your lap; as you stroke it slowly and calmly, it may start rattling loudly. He will act as if no one has been so nice to him before, however, any unexpected movement or noise will suffice and he will run away immediately. Grr!



She is very worried about what is happening at home, with other cats, at shows. Toys are scary, dangerous to him. Strangers want cat soup for sure. As mothers, these kittens are wonderful until the kittens start to leave the playpen - most often it ends with the mother's nervous breakdown. He tries to put the kittens in the playpen, keeps them in the herd. She is constantly worried that children will end up on the streets, become gang members or drug addicts if she doesn't keep an eye on them. He is a poor object for photographers, he is convinced that the camera is a weapon of mass destruction. She slumps when a judge at the show tries to stretch her.



article "Oriental personality types" - monthly "Kot" No. 3/2007
with the consent of the translator: Anna Rosiak - Pitch Black,

this article was written by Dr. Heather Lorimer

Thank you.


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